[:de]Belgischer Fotograf & Kameramann[:en]Belgian Photographer & Filmmaker[:fr]Belgian Photographer & filmmaker[:zh]Belgian Photographer & filmmaker[:]


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[team name=”Cedric Paquet” role=”Fotograf | Filmemacher” photo=”8912″ photo_size=”anneliese_square” social=”fa fa-instagram,https://www.instagram.com/cedricpaquet/|fa fa-linkedin,https://www.linkedin.com/in/cedric-paquet-b5b4b5163/|fa fa-vimeo,https://vimeo.com/user93244179|fa fa-facebook,https://www.facebook.com/cedricpaquetphotography/”]Bachelor of Arts in Photography & Motion[/team]


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[heading element=”h2″ text_align=”center”]BIO[/heading]


Cedric Paquet (geboren 1993, Belgien) ist ein Werbe-, Porträt- und Reisefotograf mit Sitz in Belgien. Im Jahr 2016, nachdem er seinen Bachelor of Arts in Fotografie & Bewegung abgeschlossen hat, reiste er durch einige Länder Asiens und dokumentierte deren Kulturen. Von Japan, Südkorea, Vietnam, HongKong, Singapur, Philippinen, Bali(Indonesien), Malaysia bis nach Taiwan, wo er ein Jahr lang lebte, um tiefer in die taiwanesische Kultur einzutauchen. Damals konzentrierte sich die Fotografie vor allem auf die Authentizität der Kulturen und Menschen. Heute, als professioneller Fotograf & Videograf, produziert Cedric eine große Bandbreite an Bildern, die die Botschaft in seinen Projekten für seine Kunden offenbaren.

Cedrics Arbeiten wurden unter anderem im IFly KLM Magazine, Fubiz und GFK Magazine veröffentlicht.



CONTACT | info@cedricpaquet.com | Standort in Belgium






[heading element=”h3″ text_align=”center”]CLIENTS, COLLABORATIONS & PUBLICATIONS[/heading]

[service image=”9804″ show_btn=”0″]Fashionstudiomagazine, Galeria Kaufhof GMBH, Eu-Immobilien, Engels&Völkers, Johnen-Automobile, ZAWM, Interreg, Travelleben, Centexbel, JFK.men Magazine, Fubiz – Online Magazine, Sabrina HSIEH – Taiwan Designer, AllhandsTaiwan, Zivazi Taiwan, …[/service]







When it comes to Storytelling through cross-media content, I am the right for your company or agency.





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[icon_box title=”Photography” icon=”fa fa-camera” icon_color=”#d6b215″][/icon_box]


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[icon_box title=”Videoproduction” icon=”fa fa-video-camera” icon_color=”#d6b215″][/icon_box]


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[icon_box title=”360° Virtual Reality Media” icon=”fa fa-street-view” icon_color=”#d6b215″][/icon_box]








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    [team name=”Cedric Paquet” role=”Photographer | Filmmaker | 360° VR Content Creator” photo=”8912″ photo_size=”anneliese_square” social=”fa fa-instagram,https://www.instagram.com/cedricpaquet/|fa fa-linkedin,https://www.linkedin.com/in/cedric-paquet-b5b4b5163/|fa fa-vimeo,https://vimeo.com/user93244179|fa fa-facebook,https://www.facebook.com/cedricpaquetphotography/”]Bachelor of Arts in Photography & Motion[/team]


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    [heading element=”h2″ text_align=”center”]BIO[/heading]


    Cedric Paquet (Born in 1993, Belgium) is an advertising, portrait and travel photographer based in Belgium. In 2016, after he has graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Photography & Motion, he travelled and documented Asia’s countries. From Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, HongKong, Singapore, Philippines, Bali(Indonesia), Malaysia to Taiwan, where I lived for a year to dive deeper into the Taiwanese culture. His photography at that time focused mainly on the authenticity of cultures and people. Today as professional photographer & videographer, Cedric produces images with simplicity and authenticity that reveals the right message into his projects for his clients.

    Cedric’s work has been featured in IFly KLM Magazine, Fubiz, GFK Magazine and more.



    CONTACT | info@cedricpaquet.com | Based in Belgium






    [heading element=”h3″ text_align=”center”]CLIENTS, COLLABORATIONS & PUBLICATIONS[/heading]

    [service image=”9804″ show_btn=”0″]Fashionstudiomagazine, Galeria Kaufhof GMBH, Eu-Immobilien, Engels&Völkers, Johnen-Automobile, ZAWM, Interreg, Travelleben, Centexbel, JFK.men Magazine, Fubiz – Online Magazine, Sabrina HSIEH – Taiwan Designer, AllhandsTaiwan, Zivazi Taiwan, …[/service]







    When it comes to Storytelling through cross-media content, I am the right for your company or agency.





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    [icon_box title=”Photography” icon=”fa fa-camera” icon_color=”#d6b215″][/icon_box]


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    [icon_box title=”Videoproduction” icon=”fa fa-video-camera” icon_color=”#d6b215″][/icon_box]


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    [icon_box title=”360° Virtual Reality Media” icon=”fa fa-street-view” icon_color=”#d6b215″][/icon_box]








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      [team name=”Cedric Paquet” role=”Photographer | Filmmaker | 360° VR Content Creator” photo=”8912″ photo_size=”anneliese_square” social=”fa fa-instagram,https://www.instagram.com/cedricpaquet/|fa fa-linkedin,https://www.linkedin.com/in/cedric-paquet-b5b4b5163/|fa fa-vimeo,https://vimeo.com/user93244179|fa fa-facebook,https://www.facebook.com/cedricpaquetphotography/”]Bachelor of Arts in Photography & Motion[/team]


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      [heading element=”h2″ text_align=”center”]Media-Production by Cedric Paquet:[/heading]

      [slider transition=”fade” wraparound=”1″ autoplay=”1″ autoplay_timeout=”2025″ mousewheel=”0″ attachment_ids=”9707,9409,9445,9444,9446,9443,8850,9442,8851,8849,8852,9447″][/slider]


      Commissioned photography and video by Cedric Paquet.








      When it comes to Storytelling through cross-media content, I am the right for your company or agency. A smooth process without problems, flexible in use. From planning to image processing, everything comes from a single source.





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      [icon_box title=”Photo” icon=”fa fa-photo” icon_color=”#f4c818″]Photography is a complex language; photographs tell us what is important to us and has the power to move us[/icon_box]


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      [icon_box title=”Video” icon=”fa fa-video-camera” icon_color=”#f4c818″]Videography & Motion; When you have high quality media with appealing concepts, you can be confident that your business will achieve greater success.[/icon_box]


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      [icon_box title=”360° Virtual Reality” icon=”fa fa-street-view” icon_color=”#f4c818″]360° VR content is an interactive and immersive content that completely surrounds a user as if they are standing in the middle of a scene[/icon_box]





      [heading element=”h3″ text_align=”center”]CLIENTS, COLLABORATIONS & PUBLICATIONS[/heading]

      [service image=”9804″ show_btn=”0″]Fashionstudiomagazine, Galeria Kaufhof GMBH, Eu-Immobilien, Engels&Völkers, Johnen-Automobile, ZAWM, Interreg, Travelleben, Centexbel, JFK.men Magazine, Fubiz – Online Magazine, Sabrina HSIEH – Taiwan Designer, AllhandsTaiwan, Zivazi Taiwan, …[/service]




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      [heading element=”h3″ text_align=”left”]Request? Contact me.[/heading]


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        Mail: info@cedricpaquet.com

        Phone: +32495727185

        Address: Nispert 41,

        4700 Eupen









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        [team name=”Cedric Paquet” role=”Freelance Photographer / Filmmaker / Social Content Creator” photo=”8912″ photo_size=”anneliese_square” social=”fa fa-instagram,https://www.instagram.com/cedricpaquet/|fa fa-linkedin,https://www.linkedin.com/in/cedric-paquet-b5b4b5163/|fa fa-vimeo,https://vimeo.com/user93244179|fa fa-facebook,https://www.facebook.com/cedricpaquetphotography/”][/team]

        [service title=”Clients:” subtitle=”Trust in cooperation.” btn_text=”Contact me.” btn_action=”page” post_id=”2020″]Fashionstudiomagazine, Galeria Kaufhof GMBH, Eu-Immobilien, Engels&Völkers, Johnen-Automobile, ZAWM, Interreg, Travelleben, Centexbel, JFK.men Magazine, Fubiz – Online Magazine, Sabrina HSIEH – Taiwan Designer, AllhandsTaiwan, Zivazi Taiwan, …[/service]


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        來自比利時小鎮-Eupen的我, 叫Cedric Paquet, 帶著2016年學士畢業的攝影文憑,  我的攝影工作致力於人類關係發展與環境議題討論. 我的創作與攝影作品的價值莫非是我個人最大的特質- 真誠和用心. 

        過去, 有三年的時間, 我旅遊到各個亞洲國家, 包含日本、 南韓、 越南、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、

         巴釐島(印尼)、馬來西亞和台灣, 其中, 我花了一年的時間深度探索並體驗台灣的文化. 

        現在的我, 熱愛著創造自然卻真實的影像,而那些影像流露出我親身的體驗-也就是最貼近台灣的樸實與美妙

        攝影和動態影像的巧妙組合是我最大的熱忱, 也是我一直以來專研的領域. 我深信, 真實、用心的創意影像作品來自於我忠實的老顧客的支持, 也讓我與長期合作的客戶一同擁有更多成功的作品案例, 而這, 正是一直以來, 給予我靈感和動力的來源

        我是一位不受地域限制的攝影師, 無論是需要短期小幫手, 短期專案, 長期專案或新專案創立與合作, 無論是位於歐洲、亞洲或台灣, 我都非常樂意為您服務攝影、影片剪輯、錄製及任何影像專案相關活動

        若您喜歡我的作品, 需要我的任何服務項目、或是想和我一起創造新的成功案例, 歡迎隨時聯繫我







        [slider transition=”fade” wraparound=”1″ autoplay=”1″ autoplay_timeout=”2025″ attachment_ids=”9447,9445,9409,9446,8850,9442,8851,8846,8849,8852,9443,8847,9444″][/slider]




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          Mail: info@cedricpaquet.com

          Phone: +32495727185

          Address: Nispert 41,

          4700 Eupen




